WHO IS TransitRE?
TransitRe is a member owned reinsurance captive incorporated in 2004 offering property and casualty reinsurance specialized for public transit.
RELIABLE source of liability and property reinsurance support for public transit pools and other public transit agencies
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STABILITY in coverage and rates during hard and soft markets.
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EQUITABLE rate-making based upon actuarially driven loss and exposure factors.
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SOPHISTICATED Licensing and regulatory support from the State of Vermont, the largest captive domicile in the United States.
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A-Rated or greater Reinsurers.​
FLEXIBLE attachment points, generally, excess of $250,000 per occurrence.
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COVERAGE DOCUMENTS are accepted from each member with flexible terms and conditions of coverage designed to follow form for each member.
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MEMBER OWNED /member controlled. All captive surplus and investment income insures to the benefit of the TransitRE membership.
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REPRESENTATION on the TransitRE Board of Directors for all qualified participants.

Barbara J. Rhoades
Ohio Transit Risk Pool, CEO

Joseph G. Dekoning
Vice President
Michigan Transit Pool

Randall Wachsmann
Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC

Patrick Theriault
Managing Director
Strategic Risk Solutions, Vermont Manager

TransitRe Membership
Michigan Transit Pool has been a member of TransitRe since its inception in 2004. They are based out of Okemos, MI and run miles across their 35 transit members. Their Executive Director is Glen Griffin and is represented at TransitRe by Joe DeKoning.
Ohio Transit Risk Pool has been a member of TransitRe since its inception in 2004. They are based out of Wadsworth, OH and run over 39 million miles across its 14 transit members. Their CEO and representative at TransitRe is Barbara Rhoades.